PM - Benefits in doing regular inspections

The benefit in doing regular inspections of your property
Most of us make New Year’s resolutions every year saying we will (amongst others):
•  Join a gym and get fit;
•  Spend more time with the family;
•  Give up smoking; or 
•  Save more money.
Why not add a property inspection into the mix? You can tell whether you have any short or long term maintenance issues, whether the property needs a new coat of paint, if there are any mould/damp issues that need addressing, any taps or washers that need replacing or if it needs new carpet/lino etc. 
That way you can prepare your finances in advance and not wait for the dreaded call saying that something needs urgent repair or replacing.
Keeping your property in good condition not only allows you to stress less but makes for a happier tenant who knows that their landlord really cares about their investment. 
This will lead the tenant into looking after your property and respecting it more. It also ensures that you get the best rent possible on a well maintained property rather than losing money on a run-down investment.
So make this your new resolution – to inspect your property at the start of every year and keep up-to-date with any maintenance issues.

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